Healthy Eating While Dining With Others
"What other people eat is contagious," says KarenAnsel, nutritionist and spokeswoman for theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics. When we eat outwith people who are healthy, she says there is atrickle-down effect. "You don"t want to be the oneordering the bacon double cheeseburger after yourentire staff ordered salads."
营养和饮食学院的营养学家与发言人Karen Ansel说:“别人怎么吃是会传染的。”她说,当我们和饮食健康的人出去吃饭时,有一个渗漏效应。在其他人都点沙拉时你是不会点培根双层吉士堡的。
Ms.Ansel suggests strategies for staying true to your diet when eating out for work.
1.Plan ahead. "Decide what you want to order in advance so that you don"t just chime in withwhat everyone else is having," she says. If you go to the same restaurant often, scan a copy ofthe menu in advance and have two or three healthy choices ready. "If you are armed with thoseoptions, you are less likely to make impulse choices". Ms. Ansel says.
2.The go-to option. "If you are out and are unfamiliar with the menu, always order the grilledchicken or fish. You can"t go wrong with that order. And ask for a salad or vegetable on the side. "
3.Find a diet role model. Choose to eat with someone whose eating habits you admire, like thecoworker who loves sushi instead of the co-worker who eats steak and potatoes twice a week.
4.Schedule lunches with new clients. "Studies show that people tend to be much morereserved in what we eat and how much we eat when we go out with strangers. We tend to bemuch more self-conscious."
5.Limit yourself during communal meals. "Ordering family-style is a big diet booby-trapbecause the more that is available to us,the more we tend to eat. Institute a rule withyourself that you will only have one helping. "